Which is the largest endocrine gland in the body?
which is the largest endocrine gland in the body?
What types of cells are in the endocrine system?
Types of endocrine cells in the human colon and rectum At least four types of endocrine-like cells have been detected histochemically in the mucosa of the human colon and rectum, i.e. argentaffin cells storing 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) and non-argentaffin cells reacting with glucagon, somatostatin and bovine pancreatic peptide (BPP) antibodies. Ultrastructurally, four main types and three…
Normal size of pituitary fossa
pituitary fossa, pituitary fossa, sella turcica, hypophyseal fossa, sella, central nervous system, anatomy
What hormones are secreted from the stomach and kidney?
what hormones are secreted from the stomach and kidney?
What are the basic classifications of hormones?
steroid hormones, amine hormones, peptide hormone, protein hormone, glycoprotein hormones, eicosanoid hormone, local hormones, general hormones.