What does the pituitary gland do in males?

Pituitary Imbalance Treatment For Men

Your pituitary gland makes everything else in your body run smoothly. When this pea-sized super-gland isn’t doing its job, you’ll know fairly quickly. Why? Quite simply, just about everything else in your body depends on it.

If you have any of the symptoms listed below, consider seeing a hormone therapy specialist to discuss potential pituitary imbalance. A specialist will thoroughly examine your pituitary gland and run a series of test to determine whether it is producing sufficient hormones to keep your other glands functioning properly.

Whether your pituitary produces too many hormones or too few, you can experience significant health and performance problems. Fortunately, pituitary imbalance treatments can reduce or eliminate the worst symptoms quickly by bringing your hormones back to the balanced levels. You’ll feel better and all your systems will function properly again.

Causes for Pituitary Gland Dysfunction

The major cause of pituitary gland dysfunction is a tumor. A tumor can cause the pituitary gland to either increase or decrease specific hormone production, depending on where the tumor is on the gland. A head injury, chemotherapy, medications or traumatic accident can also cause pituitary gland hormone imbalances.

Common problems that a pituitary imbalance can cause are:

  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Memory issues
  • Sleep disorders
  • Sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity and eating disorders

Focused Treatment to Fit Your Body’s Needs

Fortunately, if a pituitary imbalance causes these conditions, hormone therapy can usually treat them. The pituitary gland produces hormones that regulate other glands in men’s bodies, including the thyroid and adrenal glands and the testicles. After performing a thorough evaluation, we’ll design a hormone replacement therapy that is targeted to relieve your symptoms and works alongside with your unique nutrition and exercise plan.

We offer a variety of proven treatments available to help you regain your vitality and zest for life. Let’s work together to find the treatment, diet and exercise regime that works best with your lifestyle. Treatments include:

  • Stimulating the adrenal gland to produce steroids
  • Tablets to replace thyroid-stimulating hormone
  • Testosterone injections, patches or gel to replace male sex hormones
  • Nasal sprays and tablets to replace the hormone that controls your body’s water balance
  • Growth hormone injections
  • When needed, tablets of pituitary extract

Once you start treating the underlying cause of your problems, you will regain your energy and vitality. Men can look forward to experiencing improved sexual function, memory, mood and sleep after treatment.

While every man is different, and your individual treatment and results may vary, it is very likely you’ll be able to continue successful treatments over the long-term.

Talk to a Specialist

If you’ve been feeling not quite like yourself, speak with a specialist. Often, bigger problems start with a slight pituitary hormonal imbalance that affects other parts of your body. By treating the pituitary gland and helping it function normally, your other glands and body systems should follow suit quickly. We can help you eliminate the domino effect of an imbalanced pituitary gland.

Autor: Kress (Efimova) Elena Viktorovna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Tomsk Research Institute of Cardiology