How does the pituitary gland affect behavior?
how does the pituitary gland affect behavior?
how does the pituitary gland affect behavior?
pituitary fossa, pituitary fossa, sella turcica, hypophyseal fossa, sella, central nervous system, anatomy
which gland releases hormones that regulate other endocrine glands?
britannica, reference, online, encyclopedia, encyclopaedia, store, dictionary, thesaurus
Holocrine Secretion Occurs outside the Tight Junction Barrier in Multicellular Glands: Lessons from Claudin-1-Deficient Mice Holocrine secretion is a specific mode of secretion involving secretion of entire cytoplasmic materials with remnants of dead cells, as observed in multicellular exocrine glands of reptiles, birds, and mammals. Here, we found that sebaceous glands in mice, representative of…